Thursday, November 03, 2011

What Tipped the Scale to Crazy Town.

I say "YES" a lot. Some might call me a sure thing. Truth is I can say no, and do often when something is really not my thang. Say door to door fundraising or swimming or joining a softball team or running. Never ask me to go running with you. I have a firm rule to only run when a bear is chasing me. And that rarely happens.

This fall I added preschool teaching to a already full list. And by the looks of the naked children and the mountain of dirty clothes in the laundry room . . . I really have overcommitted myself. But the twins are heading off to kindergarten next fall and I'm not a "flash card mom" so they lack certain basic learning fundaments that might get them laughed out of circle time. So I decided to do some schooling for them but really I wanted them to learn how to act in a classroom even more than academics. So I am driving them out to my mom's daycare twice a week and borrowing her living room, and a few of her preschoolers and we pretend like I am a teacher and we pretend to learn things. Everyone once and a while someone almost writes their name and we sing a song about it.

Here's some pictures of our first field trip to the pumpkin patch! They are awesome kids and I love watching their hands learn to make letters, numbers and how to snap caps back on markers.


jeff said...

I see that Jabe has learned (well, experienced, if not learned) why you don't go down a slide face-first, and that photo of Phoebe where she's entirely on the left side of the image is just screaming for some inspirational saying on the other side.

crystalkupper said...

You got some great shots! I love EZ Orchards.

Christi said...

Your pictures just keep getting more amazing.

Erin said...

Fun! You got some beautiful pictures. That's so great that you're doing some preschool stuff with the kiddos. It's so hard to make it happen at home!!! And I'm so glad you're writing some more - I love reading your blog :)

Rachel @ Lautaret Bohemiet said...

So fun getting to see your beautiful family again!

What pumpkin patch was that? Is that in Salem?

February Jill said...

I love November!!!