I watched, "Toy Story 3" with the twins this morning. Got myself all weepy over my oldest growing up like he's in a hurry to get out of this place or something. I mean look at those big ole' teeth my boy has. . .

So tonight I went into the depths of the computer to find some of his baby pictures.

I had to call Matt in the room to look at this one. We just starred at it, gobsmacked.

Heading off to bed tonight, but not before I sneak into his room to give him another kiss. He'll be a day older tomorrow, ya know.
Wow. He does look so grown up! The big kid teeth always do that.
Boy is he ever a sweetie. I was just laying and laughing in bed with my oldest last night when I realized someday I will not have kids in my house. I know people say it all the time, but for some reason it just hit me.
Love that boy! I thought he was in trouble... :)
I've been meaning to tell you I enjoyed working with him in the classroom on Monday. Most of the boys in the class ONLY write about shooting and war and stuff. Tobin had a cute story about a farm and all the things he would have on his farm. I told him I thought he had a very creative mind to come up with so many great stories. He's a fun kid!
crazy how fast time flies by isn't it?!!
I'm right there with you. I held Spencer like a baby the other day and I had a very hard time remembering when he was a baby. :( I better go blog about my babies before I take up all the comment-able space on your post. ;)
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