Monday, August 31, 2009
Maybe Baby: Conclusion
Sunday, August 30, 2009
While We Wait

Friday, August 28, 2009
Maybe Baby: Public Opinion Poll

I have the pregnancy test scheduled for Monday morning and then have to wait until late afternoon for results. Does anyone else feel like Monday is too long to wait for possibly life changing news?
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Five Down

Monday, August 24, 2009
Maybe Baby: Restrictions
Friday, August 21, 2009
Maybe Baby: Make It a Triple
If-y (AKA: Slow-Poke) did grow another cell or two yesterday, but still never caught up with Maybe or Why-Not. Maybe and Why-Not were brought to room temperature. When I inquired about how they were doing, the embryologist told me they looked good but they don't hold them out to watch like they do the younger embryos. So all she could tell me was they survived the thawing process. I asked the doctor if we added Slow-Poke to the mix if he would do any harm. She said no. So Slow-Poke, Maybe and Why-Not were all placed inside my womb with a long skinny catheter. It was very romantic. Right before the embryologist loaded the catheter, she told me that Why-Not was already dividing. She said that was a good sign. Our Dr. said that theoretically triplets are a possibility but extremely unlikely. He even added that twins were also extremely unlikely. So take a deep breath America I am still on schedule for not having a reality TV show.
We make beautiful babies together.
While waiting for the transfer, I told Matt that the ultra sound prob looked like a micro phone. He dared me to try it out.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Maybe Baby: Slow Poke

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Maybe Baby: One Womb Vacancy
I have been that woman in the dessert for years and now if I could paint my picture I would be in a lush forest. I have life all around me. And so for me these frozen babies is a picture of God's bounty in my life. I was hungry and ask for bread and He gave me a glorious feast.
So here is the deely-o with the transfer today. It didn't happen. Please excuse the lack of technical terms I just want to try to lay this out in plain ole second grade language. Out of the four remaining embryos two are frozen at the 3 day stage and 2 are frozen at the 5 day stage. They defrosted the two, 2 day embryo's and one stopped dividing all together and the other looked "if-y". Dr. said that he has seen a pregnancy from Mr. If-y and laid out two options for us. Option 1 go ahead with the transfer today and having a low chance of this baby implanting and then make a plan to do another frozen embryo transfer either in a few months or in a few years depending on weather or not I get pregnant this time.
Option 2, let If-y grow in the lab for a few days until If-y is as old as his brother and sister (let's call them Maybe and Why-not) Of course the downside to this option is the (very slight) possibility of triplets (gulp).
So Matt and I were very clear about what we should do. Completely on the same page. We went with Option 2. We are very happy that at the end of this month we will have a good idea of what our family is going to look like.
I was so very touched by all the of the sweet comments/prayers that you took time to write. We had some Cyber Church happening yesterday and I felt very loved. I also could not believe how many of you were willing to come to my home to give me my shots. I am again so grateful to have all of you in my life. Oh the other news you should know is that I am now scheduled for a transfer on Thursday.
Until then, My empty womb and I will sign off.
What I know for sure: We won't be having seven children.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Calling Two or More

I've received a trusted go ahead from Becca to "high-jack" her blog tonight. You don't even need to know me, because this isn't about me. It's about our friend, sister, neighbor, daughter, wife, mother and fellow believer that we find in Becca.
We all know that she will embark on a new leg of this journey in motherhood tomorrow morning with the transerring of more of her and Matt's embryos. And although she is going into this moment with a mighty faith and sure confidence in whatever the outcome - - I believe with all my heart that it warrants prayer.
Not one prayer, but many voices lifted high with our blog hands layed firmly on her shoulder. I believe that where two are more are gathered, God honors our collaborative effort. And I believe in the divine and powerful touch of hands layed upon a fellow sister or brother in Christ.
I know that before her very first transfer - the one that gave Matt and Becca the blessing of Tobin, their pastor and elder team came to their house the night before and laid hands on them. They prayed mightily for a long time and Becca told me that she cried "hot tears" and felt the Holy Spirit's presence consume the room and her heart.
Today, God has given us a new outlet of communication and why shouldn't we use it for prayer?! Please envision yourself praying over Becca AND Matt as you leave your comment tonight or in the days to come. My friend says that prayers can be retroactive too, so even if you read this in a week to come - still pray through her comment section. I know that God will honor our voices lifted and that Matt and Becca will be blessed.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Maybe Baby: Love Thy Neighbor

Let's have a contest! First person to comment on this post gets to give me my progesterone shot, each night for a week, in my rear.