I've wanted to start a blog for a year now. But life just files by. This morning I poured a hot cup of coffee and now with just a few sips gone . . . it's cold. Why you ask, didn't I drink it hot? I got my three year old breakfast, dressed and hair combed, oh and found a show and tell toy. Got my TWINS fed, changed, and clothed. Dropped my son off at preschool . . .and then remember about my coffee, and that I've had to pee for an hour now. Life is passing me by and it's been too good not to slow down and record some of my most treasured memories. Thus the begining of Glory Laine. My hope is to stay connected with friends and family as well as have a log for that not-so-far-away day when I am sad that my mornings are not filled with small children needing me so badly that I am able to drink a entire cup of hot coffee.
Hi honey, sorry your coffee got cold. I'm glad you're raising our children, I would want no one else in the world taking care of our kids. Love you, have a good day.
Okay so this looks GREAT! Even though we talk almost every day now I can read about you too!
Love you
Yeah!!! So excited I can now stalk you!! I hear ya on the cold coffee. but hey, it's still got caffine.
Hooray!! A blog! First post is fabulous (I really want coffee, and lately I get all guilt ridden just for drinking hot chocolate because of the caffeine).
I'm really excited to keep up with your adventures, and I'm out to promptly add your link.
Becca, thanks for sharing your blog with me. I'm honored! It's awesome, just like you! I love the open, homey, honest way you wrote. The goal in writing is to paint a picture for the reader, and you did that well. I'm excited to read more from you.
I kept wondering who "Glory Laine" was on Angela's blog... now I have all the puzzle pieces. I am a local friend of Angela's.
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