Monday, October 23, 2006

Baby Blessing

This weekend was a full one. Most of my family got together to witness Jabe and Phoebe's baby blessing at our church. I can't tell you the last time I was able to be at church with my mom, brother and sister. I loved it. I am so proud of my family and it was awesome to show them off to my church family. Pastor Ben spoke beautiful words over our family and spoke of the way it began. He reminisced about when Matt and I were beginning the In Vitro process he and the Elders came to our house and prayed that soon our house would be filled with the sound of children's laughter. (that's when I started to cry). Tobin was charming on stage and the babies were little angles. They wore the sweaters that Rachel knitted for them. I was proud as a peacock. I was grateful that pastor Ben used time out of the service acknowledge how we concord infertility using god given science. Maybe we gave some hope to a family in the congregation struggling with the same issues. Hope you enjoy a few of my favorite pictures from the day.


Angela said...

I am so sad I wasnt there.
I am sure it was wonderful!

Lindsay said...

What an awesome time!
Your family is such a testimony of God's goodness, mercy & grace!

Anonymous said...

Hi Becca!
I just started a blog myself this week, and Stephanie told me about yours. Your kids are as cute as ever, and the Baby Blessing was so awesome. God is good :)