Each year this date circled in red can't come fast enough. My weekend to leave piles of laundry, my unwritten Christmas letter, my demanding darlings, and travel to my Mecca that is Washington Square Mall with some
kindred spirits. We've made this trip only once without a child, cause at this time in our lives one of us is always breastfeeding. This year Jill brought us seven month old Josh. And he got three mommies for the weekend. I have come to look forward to this special time with each baby. A time to discover each new babies personality and sort of welcome them into our tribe. We slept in, we watched movies, we shopped and crossed off names after we found the perfect gift. We giggled and shared feelings in a way that only girls can tolerate. And because of the wind storm that was happening outside we all decided that the only wise decision to make was to eat ourselves silly to insure we wouldn't blow away. That's free wisdom people. Stef and Jill, fifty-one more weeks till we get to do this again. Next time with little Ruby!

PS When I got home I was warmly welcomed by Matt (in true housewife form, he was wearing his flannel pants) and Tobin who made a batch of rice crispy treats. Matt hugs me as says, "I don't know how you do this." Awe. Just what I needed to hear. Later he asked me a few questions like, "how do you get them all to Tobin's pre-school?" I explained some of my tried and true processes and he confidently declared that we needed a nanny. Love him.
So glad you had such a fun time!! You picked the perfect weekend to shop :) Wind, rain... nothing can keep you from the "Call of the Mall"!
Would you believe that my shoulders are STILL sore from carrying him around in that Bjorn? I had so much fun. It was all over way too fast. If I had it my way, you could get your nanny and we could add Josh to the mix and then the three of us girls would climb back onto the bed to watch movies.
Was the pizza good? It warms my heart that you have such great relationships with family. Becca you are a wonderful person, easy to love. I'm jealous, I haven't even started my shopping, way to go!
Oh! That looks and sounds like so much fun!!
FYI- Matt did a wonderful job dressing the twins on Sunday and getting them to church! :)
What a fabulous weekend! It looks like you gal's got just what you needed...shopping, movies, pizza, dessert, and starbucks! Matt looked a little frazzled Monday morning when I asked how his weekend had gone...but did say "I just don't know how my wife does it." :)
What fun! Don't let that nanny comment just slide...start making some calls. Strike while the iron is hot!!
Love the stores!
Jannie and Jack
Pottery Barn Kids
You girls lived it up.
What a fun fun time!!!!
OOH that looks like so much fun! I am so glad you were able to get away and have some fun!
Hey just want to say I love you!
It is really fun to slip away and be a woman not just a momma!
Oh this is so funny to me! I LOVE when the men we love remember how great we are (am I patting my own back, or what?). You need special times like this to appreciate yourself and your hubby needs special times like this to fully appreciate you - looks like it worked! Glad you had a blast!
I'm so glad you did this Becca. I have plans to add some of my own memories of our magical weekend, but I have been knee deep in moms group planning. And I promised all the non-attenders that I would post a blog about our meeting, so they could check it out online...so it might be this weekend before I get to the good stuff about our trip!
I can't say enough how much I love you and Jill and the family ties that only make our friendship richer. I always leave you both knowing how to be a better wife and mom.
Can't wait til next year!!
Here's to a "shopping and bonding" pie! (it would have lots of chocolate and coffe in it for sure)
Yea!! So much fun~you guys look great~big smiles and happy heart! I love it! And Starbucks~the icing on the cake!
How fun...glad you girls had a good time.
Looks like you had a perfect retreat after the blog challenge. I'm really glad that you didn't blow away - that pizza looked amazing! :-)
IKEA?! oh man... you lucky women!! :) I LOVE that place!
The only thing I could think about while reading this post was, "back to life, back to reality, back to the here and now yeah, show me how, decide what you want from me, tell me maybe I could be there for you, however do you want me, however do you need me....."
Seriously, I'm so happy for you girls, you all deserved it! Oh, and I thought it was funny that both of our husbands were at the Christmas party with all three of their kids without us :) Such great men!
Oh I'm so jealous! Wow, a whole weekend of shopping, eating out and visiting!?!?
And I must say Matt did a great job dressing up the kids for the Kids Christmas Party...he even brought them over to show me what a great job he did!
awww, so cool that you girls do this. I'm inspired perhaps I can convince a few friends and my husband that this time of year calls for a much needed mini-shopping vacation. It sounds like so much fun!
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