Yesterday we spent a lovely day at the park celebrating my sweet neice, Mariko Jane's first birthday. It took me back to a year nine months ago when I was going though my third invitro process hoping for a sibling for Tobin. Our last attemp had failed and the doctors warned that Tobin was going to be our only miricle. I was starting to accept that but why not give the little frozen tots a try? I had done the proceedure and was in the two week wait when my little sister came to me with a mystery. She was late but was having mild cramps but her "little friend" was not showing up. The thought of a baby both terrified her and mystified her at the same time. She and Rhyan had been married a little over a year. He was still in school, she had plans to get her masters. She was also nervous about her infertile sisters feelings. (Even though I was really fine with the whole idea. God taught me a long time ago that He is the giver of life and His plans are always best. ) She took the pregnancy test in my bathroom and came out crying and smiling and scared all at the same time. I rejoiced with her and we both prayed that I would get the same positive in a few days. Well of course you know how this story ends, three babies born with in two days of each other. (my poor mother) What I haven't shared with you yet is that even though little Mariko was not planned by her parents, her creator had that bundle of joy orchestrated of a reason. My sister, Elisabeth, and Rhyan stepped up as parents proudly and she is a happy confident child because of it. She has so much personality and makes others smile just being around her. I love watch the three of them interact and I am so happy they have one another.
So tell me your planned surprise.
She is so cute!
Becca, Mariko is such a pretty little baby ... I just love to see all three of the babies together.
They're all so cute!
What a great story! I love how the picture makes it look like Mariko is looking down at the text as if reading it herself! She is so adorable!
Happy Birthday, Mariko!
You have met my planned surprise- her name is Claire Elisabeth and while I would never have thought I was "ready" to be a mom at the time- grad school, self-employment, a newish marriage....God knew exactly what our family needed. She is a tangible reminder that His plans are perfect.
Beautiful story. God is faithful. And Mariko is such a cutie--as are the little ones on this blog!
I feel so honored that you read my blog page and left such nice comments :) I have enjoyed reading your posts every now and then, they are very uplifting. And the pictures of your children are beautiful! But I have always felt a little weird about it, like I was spying in on a family without them knowing :) So thanks for relieving me of that awkward feeling!!! I am glad our paths have crossed through mutual friends and now our husband's work, and of course Newport Bay! Hopefully I will see you two on another date night soon!
Well Becca - you know about my planned surprise as well! Marriages are held together by God and families are built by God. He does it in a few different ways - many times not as we planned or in our timing, but always perfect.
Daniel is a gift - a precious gift. The best planned surprise I have ever had!
My sister had tried to get pregnant for about a year and it just wasn't happening. She figured she had past her prime. She was 39. Then Sergio and I announced the we would start trying to have a family, this was in 2000. Lo and behold my sister gets pregnant at 40. The family is all together and my sister stands up and says, "I have a very special announcement, there is going to be a new member to this family." Everyone turns to me and starts hugging me and congratulating Sergio. It was halirious. My poor sister starts saying, "No, it's me, it's me."
We all had such a laugh. Our planned surprises arrived finally in 2002 and 2004.
Frozen or unfrozen - God is the one in control and has blessed so many with the gift of children. I am just glad and lucky that there is science available to assist our Maker in delivering His blessings to us!
Scott had turned 30 and decided he was finally ready for us to start trying. Later that month I had the same feelings your sister did, so I doubted I was pregnant. The night before I took the test, I ate two full pork chop dinners and cried while I watched Friends on tv, Rachel had just found out she was pregnant, and I was sad I wasn't pregnant. While Scott went to work, I just decided to take a test, since I was a few days late...and found out I really was pregnant. I was shocked!!!
Your children are lucky to have a cousin so close in age. They will always love having her around.
What a sweet post Becca! My planned surprise finally took... Eddie and I began trying for a family in February. I was taking my temperature and worrying about it all the time. I was a bit discouraged for three months, then I just decided....who needs to worry about it?? Guess what, that's the month it happened! Our surprise is due February 14th, 2008! Thank you for your kind words and thoughts that day we went to lunch!
What a sweet blessing. She is beautiful. Oh to have a little girl...............I am blessed to have three little planned surprises and love them to pieces.
I love little Mariko! She's come to the nursery a couple of times in the past few months. She's a doll!!!
Some day I'll have to post my story about Makayla!
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