Matt and I decided to take a "stab" at trying to sell our house ourselves. With his parents and brother being in the business we knew we had their professional advice at our disposal so it made the challenge less daunting. We've had the house on the market for almost five months. During that time we've had a steady flow of interest. We entered the selling market at a BAD time. Times are rough in the real estate market here and it's winter (not the pretty snow white winters you all might be experiencing but our cold, wet, gloomy winters the NW brings.) We also have a major construction project going on next to our house. In the end it will really beautify our neighborhood but right now it looks like an ugly newborn baby (Not your baby, Your newborn was the most beautiful baby. But you know the ones I am talking about......) Matt has done a great job as a tour guide. He gives them all the facts and numbers about the house that I would surely mess up. "Gas or Electric heat? Well I'm not sure. I can tell you that I push this button when I want the house warmer and I push this button when I want the house cold. Any other questions I can answer for you?"
The first perspective buyer was a hard one for me. To have this woman looking in my cupboards and closets trying to see if she wanted to buy my home was a bit much. I had to fight my urges to have Tobin make ghost noises from the attic, while reassuring her that they were friendly spirits and as long as you didn't move the furniture no harm would come to her. I didn't tell her any fibs. BUT I did front of her......Matt was comforting but not pleased.
Another looker that showed interested was the. oldest. man. I. have. ever. seen. alive. He shuffled in and Tobin automatically asked him why he walked so slow and why he had hair in his ears. Thankfully he was completely deaf and gave him a yellowed tooth nod and smile. With talking to him more I almost choked on my morning bourbon when he told me he was looking for a new home for him and his MOTHER!!!!! (I refrained from asking if his mother resided in a urn located on his mantle. )
We've had lots of lookers tell us that they want to make an offer and then they disappear off the face of the earth. We did have one offer but it was way low and we just were not that desperate.
Matt and I talked last week about whether or not we should turn to a Realtor. We decided that we would give it till February. We prayed about it and asked God to make it clear to us whether or not we should list it or not. The very next day, Matt got a call from a couple in town from Oklahoma. This Friday we showed the house to them and they loved it. They flew here to make an offer on a house across the street. They were very disappointed in how much work needed to be done to it and were about to fly back home when they saw our cute little house. Called us and saw the house. My kids were completely charming. Tobin even called the guy, "grandpa!" He lit up! Long story short, they made an offer the next morning. It was just a little under what we were hoping to get out of the house so we countered and they accepted!!!! We have a buyer.
Now let the packing begin.