So I know what you are thinking, "Yes! finally a new post from Becca. I know she is a busy momma and everything but jez doesn't she know that her bloggers have needs." My response: Sorry. Things have been crazy around here. This is my recap.
The Good:
*We got new kitchen counter tops and had the house painted!
*We went camping with just Tobin. He caught his first fish and learned to dodge campfire smoke.
*I had LASIK surgery. I now see 20/15 in both eyes!!!!
*I went to an awesome seminar on raising boys. It was put on by Rick Johnson from Better Dads. I have been emailing him and we hope to bring his message to Court Street sometime in October.
*The twins had their one year check up with five shots!!!! Phoebe weighted in at almost 21 pounds and Jabe a sturdy 18.6 pounds. He is so tiny and strong at the same time. Perfectly healthy in every way.
The bad:
*I lost my car keys.
*My house has been rearranged because of said counter tops and I've been out of sorts trying to remember that the microwave in now in the dinning room with the mixer and spices. (All back to normal as of yesterday!
*Jabe is officially walking. I know this should be a celebratory announcement but really it just means I have to transition to a more toddler proof house. Change is hard for me. Phoebe is close behind.
The Ugly:
*All the kids with in twenty minuets of each other starting puking. Of course it while Matt was away at an evening meeting. We gave six baths that night and changes four sets of sheets. Matt got sick two days later and I was so prideful that my super immune system fought off the bug....until I got it Sunday night.
All is better now. And I'll do better to keep up with my tid bits of my life.