I promised myself that I would never apoligize for not blogging. I never wanted this hobbie to turn into another thing I felt guilt over . . . that being said, a month of not posting is just too long and I hope someone in the world wide web still remembers ole' Glory.

I have so much to blog about but I thought I'd go with the most important first: Phoebe and Jabe are now rocking four fingers up when you ask how old they are.
I took a huge step in my recovery (incase you didn't know, I'm addicted to having babies) and packed up all the baby gear and clothes to a consignment store. (tear)
This just might be the last birthday party they share before they are wise that they can have an all boy or girl party. We had a stripe and polka dot party, with bright colors and tons and tons of balloons. (Call me a snob but decorating with balloons is reserved for birthday parties only. There I said it and it feels better.)
Hung up the happy birthday sign
Had Grandma Pam make the cutest cake ever!
Sprinkled pom poms everywhere.
Stayed up till midnight the night before stuffing and making give-a-way bags
Had a very simple menu. I've always thought Phoebe and Jabe's names sounded like PB and J so we had a peanut butter and jelly bar.
Had to take a picture of Tobin making his first sandwich
Making Wishes:
Some guests:
My beautiful Gandma
Happy four year old, Jabe.
My niece Mariko, just a few days shy of four herself.