It's been a month since I logged on to this account and I've missed you all. I thought I'd catch you up on just a few things that have been eating my time.
Easter. Nothing says, "My savior lives", like bunny ears and plastic egg hunts. Can I get a witness?
Celebrated 13 years married to this guy. I look like I am three feet tall in this picture. And really, did I really curl my bangs under?
T-ball mania.
Most of t-ball is watching little boys adjust their cups and playing in the dirt.
We threw a little BBQ for Matt's best friend Steve, who left for Iraq this morning.
I helped out on a huge fundraising dinner for our local Pregnancy Center.
I am obsessed with these little gluten free wonders.
I make anyone near me try them and with the exception of my i-only-eat-five-different-kinds-of-food eldest child, everyone is amazed at how good they are. Who would have thought these little clusters of sweet nuts could rule my life? (Dear Jesus, protect this blog from anyone that googles "sweet nuts" and finds this post. Amen)
I have also been bitten by the genealogy bug. I've gotten really far on both sides of my family and have been introduced to some really interesting character in my family tree. Some nights I'm up till the wee hours of the morning because I'm on a roll uncovering names and dates and piecing them all together. It's a trip. I was so excited one night to see that my 27th great grandmother is Joan of Arc!

I was so stoked I woke up Matt to tell him, called my mother early the next morning and told my Bible study girls that night. When I got home Matt rented "The Messenger" So we could learn a little more about her. Two minuets into the story things were not adding up to me. Re-looked at my notes and I miss read the name
Acre for Arc. AND I was about 200 years off from my relative AND my relative is English not French. So. That popped my bubble and I decided I don't make a great genealogist after 9 pm. Honestly at 2 am I could have read my ancestor was Kermit the Frog and I would have believed it with all my heart, and I would have woke Matt up to tell him that I was a son of a muppet.

I've also been getting my craft on. We've lived in our house for 1.5 years and I am going crazy with my bare walls. But remember I got this sink and because of it I now can barely feed my family, let alone buy art for my walls. So I made these?