I know what your thinking, "Poor Becca is so busy with mothering those three young kids, and spending every free second packing and doesn't have time to blog."
Well, your partly right. I do my share of mothering but packing....not so much. We do have some things packed in boxes, neatly placed in the basement with their moving location written with a black Sharpie on the lid. But if I am being honest I am not on target for that stress free move that I have visualized in my head, (So much for "The Secret"). I tend to get overwhelmed easily and then retreat to my place on the couch with my lap top and read blogs and suck my thumb. It would be easy if I just threw all our junk in boxes and called it good but I really want to sort and purge and be mindful of what is useful and what is destined for the shelves of Good Will. So that takes time and quite and a clear head and lots and lots of coffee. Besides we've had some really sunny days lately that have given us glimpses of the promise of spring. So we've gotten the kids out to play and even took a trip to Silver Falls.

I have to take a pause from this post to tell you about a brief yet scary conversation I had with the gentleman walking behind me down the trail to the falls. I was pushing the twins in the stroller, (Really I DO NOT recommend this form of transportation down a steep, windy trail that can plummet to ones death.) when the man behind me starting asking me a brilliant line of questions that ultimately had me wondering if he had
ever read a book in his life.
It went exactly like this-
Older Ignorant Man: Those twins you got up there?
Me: Yes
OIM: Were they born at the same time?
Me: Yes
OIM: I had twin sisters.
Me: That's nice. These are boy/girl twins.
OIM: Oh! That's weird. I've never heard of that happening before.
Me: (Silence)
I also took the twins in for their 18 month well baby check up. Here are the stats:
Length: 31.5 inches
Weight: 20 lbs 5 oz
Length: 33.25 inches
Weight: 23 lbs
Jabe is underweight according to the weight chart. The ironic part is that Jabe eats a lot! More than Phoebe. And a very balanced diet. So the doctor thinks that Jabe isn't digesting food properly. Jabe poops about four or five times daily. So Doc feels like the food is just going right though him and not absorbing all the calories and vitamins. He thinks that Jabes diet of whole wheat, verity of fruits, vegetables, meats are just too complex for him to digest. So he wants me to go to a very simple, easy diet of white rice, white bread, noodles, yogurt, cheese, whole milk, apples, bananas and other plain foods to help him to relearn how to digest. Then a weight check in three months. It's really hard for me to wrap my brain around this. I love that the twins eat anything and everything I give them. I have worked really hard to eliminate all white breads and processed food so to add some of that back is strange. I worry that I might get him addicted to carbs or that I might create issues have Jabe and Phoebe eat different meals. I still have lots of questions about it and need to email the nurse to get a little guidance. If I had to guess looking at the weight chart I would have to say Jabe is like -5%. He just fits into 18 months clothes and will be turning 20 months next week. So he's little but so darn cute!
