Because I don't have a Sugar anonymous meeting to go to you'll have to be my accountability. I have cheated. But just a bit. Overall I give myself a B-. So I have some improvement room for next week. I have been using sweeteners in my tea and coffee but I am pretty sure that the main ingredient is cancer. Alida gave me some great tips that had me running to the cupboard for honey then squeezing it into my mouth. Honey is natural and much better for you than refined sugar but when I had to go out and buy another plastic bear full all in the name of health. . .well I think I need a new plan.
Today I was thankful for my twins. I mean it could be worse. . . I could have had triplets. I watched my sister daughter today. Mariko was born just two days after the twins. It actually went great, but I am thankful that it's not my daily duty.
Here's a few pictures to see the babies at almost seven months and a look at my resume today.