They don't look so tough carrying their baby dolls, do they. 

Check out this sniper. He was all comfy in his position until I pointed out that he was laying on an ant hill. Boy those SWAT boys can move fast.
This one is cuUte.
Other SWAT babes.
OK so I warned you these building were gross, right? They have been inhabited by run-a-ways, drug users and well, people who don't spell well.
In case you don't speak jive, sNIfer is a major insult.
This is Jet. He is an amazing animal.
I was so impressed with all the OO7 technology that these guys use. This is a camera that looks like a gun. It captures images in rooms without having to send an officer in. They also had these round rolling camera that they can throw down a dark hallway or room. They call them (ahem) SWAT balls.