Warning: This is going to take a while. You might want to grab a snack and some coffee.
We went with our good friends Troy and Michelle and their girls. And communicated via walkie talkies. I use the word "communicate" loosely because mostly it was used for quoting our favorite movie line or "that's what she said".
We took our time with the drive and keep the trip fun by doing a little geocaching! Think high tech treasure hunting.
I also posted this because I want to set some kind of record for the most pictures of my kids on the john in one week. Fingers crossed.
A ton of nature hikes.

Wildflowers in a little girls hair.

Best Friends.

All the outdoor peeing you can handle, bro!

Oh and remember the exaggerated story I told Matt about he tame deer? Well, well, well, who's the rational one now??? Humm???
He got closer . . . .
and closer . . . .
Until . . .
. . . they became best friends and roomed together in college.

Naturally we taught them to gamble . . .
And went creek walking . . .

We enjoyed the most beautiful country.

The twinado's giving each other some love.
We caught our dinner . . .

Second day, nature friends.
Third day, nature journals.
After camping we continued to drive east to Idaho where we spent a few days at our family cabin in McCall. Because I don't feel like you've seen enough pictures of our family vacation I will leave you with these.

I love your blog and never tire seeing pictures of your beautiful family. It looks like you are making some pretty amazing memories. Good for you!
Wow, completely inspired to do a longer camping trip next summer. Your pictures captured so much!
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