We took the kids to the park yesterday when I was remembering that I needed to post a new open house. So even though I felt very "stockerish" I snapped a few of my very lovely houses on my street. So take a look and vote for your favorite. Maybe I'll leave a basket of cookies on the winners porch (and a paper bag full of poop on the loser's)
You'll notice that I am a sucker for porches. It's the first impression of the home and a porch is like a warm friendly smile that says, "Welcome".
So here are the contestants. Lets start with the craftsman houses.
House # 1
House #2
House #3
House #4
Victorian House #5
House #6House #7 (in an effort to save my sanity and to get the milk Tobin has been requesting for 15 minuets I am giving up on my attempt fit in "Colonial House #8" between the house pictures) WHY can't I will the cursor to go where I want it???? I am counting on all your intelligence to image where house #8 is.
And just went you thought all we had to look at was charming houses, we also have the picturesque red bridge to use to cross the creek.