Friday, August 21, 2009

Maybe Baby: Make It a Triple

Today was a happy day for me. Today I said good bye to infertility. Of course infertility will always be a large part of my story, it is no longer part of my future, and that makes me happy. No matter the outcome of the transfer, I don't EVER have to deal with the ache of wanting another baby and having to fight with my body to make it happen.

That being said, I know all of you Maybe Baby followers are anxious to hear about the transfer that kept being postponed.

If-y (AKA: Slow-Poke) did grow another cell or two yesterday, but still never caught up with Maybe or Why-Not. Maybe and Why-Not were brought to room temperature. When I inquired about how they were doing, the embryologist told me they looked good but they don't hold them out to watch like they do the younger embryos. So all she could tell me was they survived the thawing process. I asked the doctor if we added Slow-Poke to the mix if he would do any harm. She said no. So Slow-Poke, Maybe and Why-Not were all placed inside my womb with a long skinny catheter. It was very romantic. Right before the embryologist loaded the catheter, she told me that Why-Not was already dividing. She said that was a good sign. Our Dr. said that theoretically triplets are a possibility but extremely unlikely. He even added that twins were also extremely unlikely. So take a deep breath America I am still on schedule for not having a reality TV show.

We make beautiful babies together.

While waiting for the transfer, I told Matt that the ultra sound prob looked like a micro phone. He dared me to try it out.

Never dare me!

Pregnancy test date is August 31.


Their Giant said...

Nice microphone.

I've been praying for you today. I was struck by how darn peaceful you looked in your photos and the video. Amazing that this part of your story is coming to a close.

Anonymous said...

Amazing Becca. I am super excited for the outcome of this story. What an amazing testimony. So hoping for a positive pregnancy test.

I love that I can tell people I know exactly when you got THAT could be a conversation stopper.

Christi said...

Yeah, the picture of the three of you making babies together is AWESOME!!!

Lindsay said...

Cheering for you and praying too!

DoubleVentiLatte said...

Wonderful post girl! Amazing. Praying for you guys!

Shannon said...

Funniest Vid Ever!! The Vagi-Cam!

AngieG said...

If anyone should be making babies, its you! We need more hysterically funny and quick witted, charming and beautiful people in this world! You pass on the genes and we'll enjoy your children! Praying through Aug. 31!!!

jana said...

I love Dr. Lee!

Praying for you- particularly for a single :)

Tiffany said...

So glad Matt could be there this time! Things have a way of working out...

Rachel said...

Whoohoo...You are one hot lookin' mama...You look fabulous!!!
I think most of us hope we look that good when we get knocked up...but since you have to go another way, let me tell you, I believe those babies couldn't ask for a better place to grow!!!

Rachel @ Lautaret Bohemiet said...

How very great.

I will now FOREVER view my pelvic ultrasounds muuuuch differently, thanks to you! :)

Can't wait til the 31st to hear the news.

Jenny vick said... guys are totally Awesome! I love this..i've totally been stalking..i mean..fallowing your blog. I'm inspired...not to poke myself with needles or talk into ya ya wands like a talk show host (which you could be) But I'm inspired to Hope! Thanks Becca.

Jen vick

Candi said...

Creative use of medical technology! I love it :-) The peace of God shines so beautifully through you, it's wonderful to see.

Jen said...

I have to say.. you still look so young! You're a hottie, even in the invitro clinic place.

Love you and am praying!! Love, Jen Green (pasadena Jen Green)

Valerie of Momia said...

Goodness! This is the first blog I've been on for....a loooooong time! Glad to have gotten caught up. I am not found of the ultrasound probe. I'm glad you were able to make light of it! ;)

I'm so excited for you guys...exciting times!! ;)

KLB said...

I am on the edge of my seat!!! I can't wait to hear about it. Make sure you post right away....actually I may bug you! he he

Angela said...

Christi and Shannon's comment cracked me up!