Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Picture This

A few Wednesdays ago, I had an over-scheduled day. I had booked myself with appointments, birthday dinner, Tobin's pre-school, taekwondo, and I was teaching Bible Study and speaking at our evening MOPS group at the same time. The hardest part of the whole day is just getting out the door [on time] in the morning. Trying to anticipate what everyone might need though out the day. Sippy cups, snacks, diapers, extra clothes, small toys, Tobin's show-and-tell and lunch, purse, cash, keys, lip gloss, extra barrette, and a partridge in a pear tree.
That morning while getting the kids dressed, I had no clean jeans for Tobin. Only shorts and it was a blistery fall day so shorts wouldn't do. I dug real deep and found a pair of overalls. Now overalls are perfect when you're two or eighty-two but not five. Tobin is a tall kid for his age and these overalls just plain look silly on him. They barely cover his ankles and kinda ride up his crack a bit....can you picture this?
But really I had no choice so I thought I'd just go all out and pick out a bright yellow John Deere shirt and call the whole thing a farm boy theme day. I knew his teachers would smile and think, "awe Tobin dressed himself today, how sweet." I took a long look at Tobin as we were leaving the house. This lanky kid in Dennis the Mennis overalls and uncombed hair with breakfast on his face and said a little prayer that the other kids wouldn't tease him.
My day flew and finally it was time to pick up Tobin from school. I was happy to see that he looked like he had a great day. When he jumped in the car he announced, "Guess what mom, Today was PICTURE DAY!"

Just another reason why I need to started writing things down in a date book.


Stefanie said...

Love it when you first told me it, loved it again reading it now.

But I have to disagree, I think he looks cute in his overalls - okay, not for school pictures. But this weekend him, Mais and Daph were so cute in them.

Candi said...

Becca, This is the best thing I've read in days! I laughed so hard, not at you, but at the familiarity of it all, and the special way you have of recording it in such light-hearted fashion! You gotta laugh or cry, and you made a great choice. His pictures are simply perfect too. Keep up the good work.

Rachel said...

I love it! And Becca, I completely get it! I get how you can think you've gotten everything mostly covered..only to realize that your child has gone 2 weeks without bringing something to school on her show and tell day.

Michelle said...

I can SO relate. Thankfully, I work in my kids' school, and usually have an idea this stuff is coming... but this story could very seriously happened in my house! What a fabulous memory... and thankgoodness for re-take day! :)

Lindsay said...

No Way! Could that be any funnier? I am totally laughing. What a picture to remember that story with!

He's so cute, by the way!

Kim H. said...

That is hysterical - and somehow even when you throw something together he still looks adorable!

Angela said...

Its even funnier hearing about it the second time!

Stacey said...

At least they didn't get a shot of him standing....from the rear.

momaof4 said...

he totally matches the 70's leaf background. In is farm wear. ;)

And he is still pretty cute!!

Jenny vick said...

oh! But he looks totally adorable. I thought you did that on purpose..like maybe he really wanted to look like a hunter or something :) I actually sprinted form work at 8:45 am to hana's preschool on Picture day just so I could brush here hair...I mean I trust Dj..but with Picture day hair...I don't think so!

Anonymous said...

I have to say I agree with your overall theory, but I must say Tobin managed to pull it off! He looks quite handsome! It looks like you not only knew it was picture day but you even managed to coordinate his outfit with the background of the picture. Only you could pull this off...without even trying. That my friend is how cool you truly are! Alida

Beth said...

Hi Rebecca!

This is hysterically funny! Tobin DOES look totally cute though--he's got a great smile! Happy to hear about your house coming along!


Valerie of Momia said...

I still think he looks stinkin' cute!

Looking back at my school pictures...I wish I had the excuse of "mom forgot it was picture day".

Unfortunately, I do not.

KLB said...

The pictures turned out good. His clothes mathced the theme perfectly!

Christi said...

Your posts don't come every day, but they are always worth the wait...that is a story to be retold a few times.

Melissa said...

I LOVE the pictures! I think his overalls match the theme just great! I cracked up reading your story though. I can NOT live without my planner!

red-headed Wilson's said...

I have to come out of lurkedom to say that is the funniest thing I have read in WEEKS! Thank you. I think all us moms relate in one way or another. :)

LizzyG said...

Actually, I think the pictures turned out really cute! I think when we're old and gray and look back on the days of raising our kids, we'll be glad things like this happened. What fun is it when everything is picture perfect? (just ask Sharon!)

And thanks for your sweet comment on my blog. Yesterday, I was reading through last year's Halloween post and saw a comment from you about how you would love to go with us next year...I wish I would have remembered or read that sooner! We would have loved to have your family come with us. So, you're officially invited to join us next year!